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Sayın Üyemiz; İlgi: a) 11.12.2001 / 4231 tarih ve sayılı, No:95/2001 Sirkülerimiz b) ICS’den alınan 09.05.2002 tarihli e-mail mesajı ve eki.   Uluslararası Deniz Ticaret Odası’ndan (ICS) Odamıza gönderilen ilgi b) yazısında “Mevcut Yük Gemileri için VDR’ler (Sefer Bilgisi Kaydedicileri – Voyage Data Recorders) hususunda NAV 48’e sunulması önerilen ICS bildirisi konusu hakkında son Denizcilik Komitesi toplantısında önemli görüşmeler olmuştur. Belirtilen görüşler ve geçenlerde NAV 48’e ( NAV 48/8 ) sunulan İngiltere görüş yazısı ışığında taslak ICS sunuş bildirisi revize edilmiştir” denilmektedir. İlgi b) yazısı ekinde gönderilen “ Mevcut Yük Gemilerinde VDR Taşınması Hususundaki Fizibilite İncelemesi” başlıklı taslak  ICS bildirisi (Ek-1) ve Odamızda yapılan Türkçe çevirisi (Ek-2) ilişikte sunulmaktadır.   Bilgilerinizi rica ederiz.   Saygılarımızla, Deniz İPEK Genel Sekreter EKLER :   Ek – 1 ) : İlgi b) ICS yazısı eki SUB-COMMITTEE ON SAFETY OF NAVIGATION 48/8/XX 48th Session 3 May 2002 Agenda item 8 Original: ENGLISH   FEASIBILITY STUDY ON CARRIAGE OF VDR ON EXISTING CARGO SHIPS   Submitted by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)   SUMMARY   Executive summary: This paper comments upon document NAV 48/8 submitted to the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation by the United Kingdom and in particular on the simplified recording method described therein.   Action to be taken: Paragraph 9   Related documents: Resolution A.916(22), Resolution MSC.109(730), NAV47/13 (paragraphs 7.14-7.17 and 7.27-7.29), NAV48/4 and NAV48/8. Introduction   1.       This paper comments on proposals in NAV 48/8 and is submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 46.5 of the Guidelines on the Organization and Method of Work of the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee and their subsidiary bodies. 2.       In Document 48/8, the United Kingdom responds to the request made at NAV 47 for comment on the costs and benefits of fitting voyage data recorders (VDRs) in existing cargo ships.  It also offers a view on the data items that might reasonably be recorded in a simplified VDR system. The value of VDR 3.       In late 2001, ICS circulated a questionnaire to ship operators on the feasibility of fitting a full VDR system in existing ships.  The overwhelming response of shipowners was to express doubt that the high cost of purchasing and the difficulty of interfacing a full VDR in such ships would ever be offset by the rare occasion when the equipment might provide uniquely relevant information following an accident.  Several operators reported that they had received cost estimates of up to US$150,000 for a VDR retrofit in an existing ship.  In a few cases, owners believed that relatively new bridge equipment would require replacement, for no other reason than to achieve a satisfactory interface with the recorder.  As NAV 48/8 shows, the provision of a recording interface is difficult in cases where a universal interface (IEC 61162 format) has not been fitted at manufacture. 4.       Ship operators do not question the value that a VDR can offer in analysing the events leading to an accident and are supportive of the measures already in place to require new ships to be fitted with the right equipment.  The SOLAS regulations already ensure that with the passage of time all international shipping will be fitted with comprehensive recording equipment.  However, the practical difficulty and expense of retrofitting a full VDR does not support a compelling need to extend similar requirements to existing ships.  Rather, they suggest that a simple, practical approach should be taken. 5.       In the case of shipping it is relatively rare for a ship to be lost with all hands and for there to be no witness to the preceding events.  Invariably there are